"Every child matters
and no child is ever
left behind..."

"Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them;
for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs."
Luke 18:15-17


Please see below Trust wide policies

(Please note each school will also have their own specific policies on other areas):-


Key policies for parents, staff and visitors (please note there is a Staff Handbook containing full details of all Trust HR policies on the secure section of this website for schools, academy councils and directors):-

Complaints Policy

Whistle Blowing Policy

Equality Information and Objectives

Equal Opportunities Policy

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions Policy

Policy for Child Mental Health and Wellbeing

Modern Slavery Statement


Staff Wellbeing

Recruitment and Retention Policy

Staff Well being principles for DNDLT schools

Staff Wellbeing Policy 24 (NB also included in the staff handbook together with details of confidential counselling service)

Mental Health at Work, link to various resources for schools

Directors have agreed to sign up to the Education Staff Well being charter:-

Education Staff Well Being Charter 2021


Data Protection Policies

Data Protection Policy
Freedom of Information Policy (including model publication scheme)

Biometric Data Policy

Data Retention Policy


Estates Policies

Health and Safety Policy Statement 2023

DNDLT Asbestos Statement of Intent

Business Continuity and Emergency Planning Strategy

Estate Management Vision and Strategy


Governance policies

Conflicts of Interest Policy

Director code of conduct 24

Risk Management Policy


Finance Policies

Finance Policy

Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy

Assets and Disposals Policy

Reserves Policy

Treasury Management Policy

Central Services Policy and Appeals Process

LGPS Pension Discretions Policy


Church of England documents

Church of England Vision for Education

Valuing All God's Children-Report and appendices

For further information and publications from the National Church of England Education Office please click here


Principles and checklists for Head Teacher/Academy Council use when reviewing school policies

Academy Council template code of conduct

Behaviour Principles 24

Health and Safety policy checklist

Compliance with UK GDPR checklist

School Security checklist


Note privacy notice templates, model safeguarding policies and further templates and guidance for schools on various areas are on the secure section of this website for school business managers, head teachers and academy councillors.


Admissions Note:-

Each school has their own admissions policy on their website.  Links to the school websites are on the home page via the school logos